Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What the f**k?

My first post in several days was going to be about cultural (r)evolution. But that topic is now going to be pushed back to make way for a few other topics that I find to be less mentally taxing. And since I have only 2 or 3 readers, and since I'm still determining the direction I want to take with this blog, and since I'm still on my first beer of the evening,... where was I going with this?

Oh yea. For starters, I just read in the paper how a woman shoplifted from the local mall, pepper-sprayed a security guard to make good her escape (with her sister in tow) and then she hid in a trash compactor while her sister hid in another location with the stolen goods. Guess what? Yea. Someone turned on the compactor, not knowing that someone had ignored all of the posted warning signs, and delivered 10 gazillion pounds of karma down onto the shoplifter. She's dead. For less than $500 of children's clothing, she's dead.

In other news, I've been contemplating lately about how Barack Obama strikes me as a possible contender for the role of Antichrist. I mean, the Antichrist is supposed to be born of a single mother, supposed to be an eloquent speaker, and supposed to lead a nation. So I Google'd it. Hell yea I did. It would seem that there are others thinking the same thing that I am. Check this out:

OK- don't check 'em out. Really. Don't. The point is, there are others out there finding some connection there. Kinda makes ya wonder, huh? No? Well then talk amongst yourselves while I get another beer....................................................

Tonight's yummy goodness comes compliments of Newcastle Brown Ale, a well regarded drink of mine. I'm pleased to see that the beverage appears in the latest issue of Beer magazine. I just discovered this publication and they have a great display of hot women and beer throughout. What else could a guy ask for? Well, nudity would be cool. You could call the magazine Boobs 'n Barley. But I digress.

Anyone watch the Comedy Central roast of Bob Saget? Uh,... yea,.... that'd be me. I admit it. Well, I only caught the last 40 minutes. But this is what I know: Norm MacDonald is still a stupid, talentless fuck. Gilbert Gottfried, as nappy as he is, can crack a good joke. Cloris Leachman is freakin' funny! She talked about screwing a donkey and holy crap, she was the best. And good ole Bob Saget is one foul-mouthed fella.

Couple of questions- is it ok to be mean in your blog? To ruthlessly talk about and degrade strangers? To pick on people and emotionally harass them without their knowledge?
Let me know. That would make for one fun blog.

And question two: I'm a writer. No shit. Despite what this blog looks like, I do have the ability to join words into a sentence and have them provide some meaning. I see all these people posting their original work on their blogs and I have to wonder how safe that is. What if someone steals your shit? Is my stuff worth stealing? You bet. So should I be worried or just start posting snippets from my latest work?

And does anyone truly care? In the immortal words of Pink Floyd, 'is anybody out there'? I might go play The Wall on vinyl tonight. Nothing matches the ecstasy of a great album being played on vinyl. Well,... ok, that's debatable but I'll stand by those words.

Going for another beer. Wish me luck.


Noah said...

is it ok to be mean in your blog?

To an extent. Be loyal to your regulars, rip as you would a friend, and only truly rip the trolls.

I see all these people posting their original work on their blogs and I have to wonder how safe that is. What if someone steals your shit?

Read the legal-ese that Blogger made you read before you agreed to start a blog. Intellectual property protection is a tricky thing. If you are writing a book, keep it on your own computer and post snippets for our consumption.

Obama is not the anti-Christ. McCain will abso-fucking-lutely get us all killed.

Christian said...

I'm talking about being mean to strangers, about strangers. I wouldn't roast people I know, Smitty. At least, not in a blog.

McCain isn't a worry. That guy would die in office after having to walk up a flight of steps in the White House or something. The guy won't be elected. I'm not worried. I worried more about Hillary. I worry a little about Obama because the guy has no substance or, if he does, he hasn't shown it yet.