Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I'm sitting at the table, working on my laptop, and since I needed background noise I turned on the TV. The Republican National Convention came on at 10:00 or something. Rudi G is currently speaking and he has the whole group of Repubs chanting 'drill, baby, drill'. I don't know if they're talking about domestic oil production or prodding Levi to go after Palin's daughter again. That's what I get for not paying close attention.

I, as an adult, would never chant 'drill, baby, drill' so I can only look at these people and shake my head in mild amusement. Time to change the channel to Family Guy, where Stewie makes more sense than Rudy.


Rickey said...

Why not just watch "King of the Hill?" Rickey's fairly certain that Hank Hill's wife is Sarah Palin...

Noah said...

I don't know if they're talking about domestic oil production or prodding Levi to go after Palin's daughter again

Fucking hilarious.

You see the rack on her? Can't say I blame Levi for wanting to hit that. Plus, if you want an indication of what your wife will look like when she gets older, look at her mom. Levi knew what he was up to.

I watched the convention last night and had to take blood pressure meds.

Christian said...

Tell you what, those Dems are gonna have to watch out. Red blooded males will vote for Palin just to give themselves 4 years of opportunities to see her ass shake across the stage. Yowza.

Ricky- badass funnny. Too funny, indeed.