Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Slow Day in MediaLand

Gas prices still suck.
American soldiers are still fighting in foreign countries.
We have a presidential race going on and I STILL don't know who stands for what and just when I think I know, someone flip-flops.
And the most important story of the day is that some 'ugly' little girl was slighted by having her song lipsynched by a 'pretty' girl at the Olympics. This story is about:
A. A cruel lesson in life that the 'ugly' girl would learn sooner or later.
B. The same old fucked up priorities of the world's Media Machine.
C. A slow news day.
D. A slow blog day for me.

So when I want to know what the world news is, and not sugar-coated crap from lackeys, where do I go? Do I follow the millions to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert? Fox Network, the fair and balanced people? Where? I'm another lost American, unsure of what to believe and where to listen and who to turn to. It's a time of crisis for me. Because, you see, I'm too stupid to separate fact from fiction, truth from lie. I go with what I hear and what I read and the Media Machine KNOWS this! They have the inside track on me.

Really, what other option do I have? Listen to my gut? Oh hell no. Form my own opinions from half-assed data that's been manipulated for my consumption? Uh uh. I could get online and research websites and track data and attend rallies and do some in-depth interviews but then I'd be an informed citizen and I'd be responsible for my knowledge. No thanks. Too much work involved, no fun.

So I guess I'll just wait for the HBO movie about Lin and Yang to come out, exposing the entire story about the lipsynching and all of that. Sorry for the rambling.

1 comment:

Noah said...

Read blogs.

Start with The daily Kos.

Then go to Red State.

Then make your brain meet those blogs somewhere in the middle...and voila! You will have your news.

Or go to Balloon Juice. It's run by a guy named John Cole. Republican-come-Bush skeptic but still a Dem skeptic as well, given they do stupid shit all the time.